A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



How to Reduce or Eliminate Pain (without products) — Try these 3 things

  1. Get the message and move on

  2. Ignore/Distract (soften)

  3. Pivot and move towards a better feeling

Pain is a big industry. A lot of time and money gets dumped into searching for answers to or merely managing pain. At some point in our lives we all experience pain. We are taught to deal with pain in various ways: walk it off, take a product to help it go away, numb ourselves with food/alcohol/drugs.

But what if your pain was simply a message? And what happens when you ignore messages? They tend to get bigger, more obnoxious, more in-your-face. The more you ignore something important, the greater the chance that it snowballs out-of-control. This message is trying to get your attention. It won’t stop until you finally get the message that something is out-of-balance, something needs to change in your life.

As a mind-body doctor, I’ve had to personally confront my own messages. At first I ignored the messages, thinking they were going to be too scary. We all do this. It’s...

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How to Naturally Balance Your Hormones (without products)

It seems that everyone has an opinion on how to naturally balance your hormones. And most of these opinions entail testing and products. Sometimes a lot of both. The testing helps to paint a picture of what is out-of-balance, what is too high and what is too low. Then products are added to allow your body to make more of something and to detox whatever is too high.

The most common hormonal imbalance for women is too much estrogen and too little progesterone, also known as estrogen-dominance. Typically a progesterone product is added to help balance these two hormones.

My hormones began shifting in my early 40's, while I was also under A LOT of stress. My biggest problem was the horrible mood swings. I felt like I turned into a monster 2 weeks every month. I tried to hide my anger, but it always just came out. And I just couldn’t help but direct my anger at my loved ones. Not fun.

And then my breast thermography exams started showing suspicious pre-cancerous activity (another...

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Lyme Disease Treatments – Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt


As many of you know, I healed myself from Lyme Disease a few years ago, and I’m really passionate about helping others do the same. Each week I get questions from all over the world about different Lyme treatment options, so today’s blog is all about my experience and opinions.

I’ll go over different treatment options in the order that I tried them, and at the end I’ll give you a summary of what I wished I had known right from the start.

My journey began with joint pain, headaches, severe adrenal fatigue, gallbladder attacks, hormonal imbalances & chronic MRSA infections. At the same time, I was under a lot of emotional stress, was angry all the time & basically needed to learn to chill out!

Adrenal Fatigue, Hormonal Imbalances, Gallbladder Attacks

For adrenal fatigue & hormonal imbalances, I began taking HUGE amounts of supplements and a natural progesterone cream. What I learned along the way is that our bodies can’t make certain hormones...

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How I was finally able to get a good night’s sleep!


Good quality sleep is so important for your health and well-being. When we have it, we can feel amazing and feel like we are on top of the world. When we don’t have it, we are left with a compromised immune system, and a cranky personality.

When we are already sick, it can seem like an uphill battle getting the good quality sleep that our body needs. We can do and try all the “right” things – turn off the TV, keep electronic devices more than 3 feet from our bed, take a relaxing bath, take a melatonin supplement, keep your bedroom dark, regulate the temperature in your bedroom, etc. – and yet still not get a good night’s sleep.

When I was sick with severe adrenal fatigue and Lyme Disease, I tried everything and still didn’t sleep well. Maybe you are like me. Maybe you need to look a little bit deeper in order to figure this out for yourself.

Now I sleep really well. I have my health back. I have my energy back. I have my life back. So,...

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Is Meditation a Bunch of Non-Sense?

Is Meditation a Bunch of Non-Sense? Yep! Let me explain…

The Spirit knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the ego.

I get asked all the time about meditation. What is it? Why should I do it? How do I get started? What are the benefits? And a really fun one:  My pastor told me that meditating is actually talking to the devil, is this true?

These are all great questions! So let’s get started!

Hi! I’m Dr JoAnn Tully, creator of Learn To Heal Yourself. I’m a chiropractor that now focuses on helping clients remove their blocks to health & happiness – the blocks that were created by their thoughts, emotions & beliefs.

[Click here if you would rather watch the video on YouTube!]

What is meditation?

Here is wikipedia’s definition:  Meditation is a practice where an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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