Are You Afraid of Change?

Change. What does this word symbolize for you? Fear, dread, annoyance, panic, irritation, maybe even a little motivation to control the situation so nothing really changes?

Yet change must occur if we are to grow, evolve, gain wisdom, and just feel alive.

Your ego, that fear-based portion of your self, wants to block change at all costs. Your ego convinces you that change is scary. Your ego makes you believe that you are safer if everything remains the same.

Yet your true inner Self wants and needs change in order to grow, evolve and feel alive. Your true inner Self craves new and different experiences. Your true inner Self guides you energetically towards your wants and desires (better health, harmonious relationships, meeting new friends, new career, more money, peace, joy, fun).

We learn from other people (and their egos) how to control our surroundings so that we don’t allow change. You want to be healthier…nope, it’s too scary. You want a new career…nope, you aren’t smart enough. You want to make more money…nope, you aren’t worthy.

Yet wouldn’t it be nice if we learned from a young age how to embrace change? Wouldn’t it be easier if we had learned how to “go with the flow?” Wouldn’t it feel more fulfilling if we had learned how to follow our intuition so that it was easier to allow our dreams to come true?

What’s the worst that could happen if you allowed your dreams to unfold, without your ego slowing them down or blocking them?

What would you have to give up or sacrifice in order to allow your dreams to unfold? Pain, suffering, emotional stress, a crappy job, a toxic relationship?

Your ego has you convinced that allowing your dreams to unfold naturally would be so horrifying that you just can’t risk it. And yet all you are risking is your health and happiness. You are giving up your health and happiness by staying the same, by listening to your ego, by remaining stuck. By listening to your ego, you are choosing pain, suffering, emotional stress, a crappy job and a toxic relationship.

Are you beginning to see the circular pretzel logic of the ego? Your ego is not your friend. Your ego does not have your best interests in mind. Your ego is like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum when it doesn’t get its way. Your ego is loud and yells a lot. Your ego wants to be in charge. Your ego wants power. It will stop at nothing to destroy your health and happiness so that it remains in charge. Your ego is a mean, viscous dictator.

It’s time to stop listening to your ego.

Your true inner Self is quiet, peaceful and calm. It reminds you of who you really are. Your true inner Self whispers in your ear…so you must learn to quiet your mind first before you hear its guidance and wisdom.

Instead of change, how does the word transformation sound? Are you ready to transform your life? Are you ready to allow some transforming events to happen in your life? Are you ready to feel healthy, happy, alive and energetic again? All you have to do is allow for some transformation. Allow for some movement. Allow for some shifts.

Transform your thoughts. Transform your beliefs. Transform your actions. Transform your life.

Everything you want is waiting patiently for you. It hurts when you don’t allow it in. Pain and suffering is a direct message that you are blocking what you truly desire.

Change doesn’t really hurt. Choosing not to allow change is soul crushing.

Relax. Breathe deeply. Allow.

Ways I can help you

  1. If this resonates with you and you are ready to move through all of this, I would love to help you! I'll teach you my best tools in my next online workshop series, Mastering Your Mindset - Introductory Workshop Series.
  2. If you need to gather some more information on "the basics" of how you can use your mind to heal your body, your emotional stress & your relationships, click here to check out my selection of Free and Low-Cost Mini-Courses.
  3. You can also set up a $30, 30-minute chat with me to discover your #1 Roadblock to Well-Being and options that would be a good fit for you. Click here to schedule.

Many Blessings,

Dr JoAnn Tully, Mind-Body Doctor & Mindset Coach

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