Healing Mommy & Daddy Issues

For years I thought I only had Daddy Issues to heal in myself.

And then I came across the book, Mother Hunger, by Kelly McDaniel, that gave me the verbiage and understanding about my Mommy Issues that needed some attention.

What are Mommy & Daddy Issues?

Mommy & Daddy Issues are old patterns of beliefs or old emotional energies that have become stuck somewhere in our bodies or our energetic fields.

These old patterns try to get our attention through current-day problems, such as relationship struggles, money issues, chronic pain, illness, anxiety or anger.

Examples of Daddy Issues

  • Patterns of choosing unhealthy or abusive or emotionally unavailable partners
  • Use sex to feel love or connection
  • Difficulty setting healthy boundaries
  • Date or marry someone much older than yourself
  • Trust issues
  • Afraid of being alone
  • Possessive or clingy; co-dependent relationships
  • Afraid of being vulnerable
  • Don’t feel safe

Examples of Mommy Issues

  • More male friends; few female friends; females tend to hurt you or are disloyal to you
  • Chronic feelings of guilt, shame, not worthy or deserving
  • Feelings of rejection; might reject others before they can reject you
  • Feeling like you aren’t good enough, no matter what or how much you do
  • Feeling unlovable or like no one likes you
  • Feeling unimportant, like you don’t matter
  • Low self-esteem, low self-confidence
  • Feel like you have to be perfect at all times or constantly have to prove yourself to others
  • People pleaser; you worry more about what other people want or need
  • Feeling resentful towards family members for having to constantly put their needs ahead of your own
  • Feel all alone, abandoned; no one will help you; you have to do everything yourself
  • You feel powerless to make decisions that are best for you
  • You keep attracting partners that make you feel like any or all of the above

Important Points to Consider

As children, we tend to “read” the energy of our parents, or the adults around us, but we don’t understand it.

We can easily pick up from their energy that they are feeling unloved, not good enough, worried, frustrated, etc. We tend to believe that their feelings are directed at us. We feel we did something wrong.

We don’t yet have the capacity to understand what they are going through and that it isn’t our fault.

It’s NOT even their fault. Our parents do the best they can, but they all have their own wounds, and they have their own bad days.

In working through our Mommy & Daddy Issues, it’s important to keep in mind that NO ONE IS TO BLAME!

Our egos need someone to blame, but that just keeps us stuck in an endless cycle of blaming others, then blaming ourselves, then blaming others, etc.

We have to learn some tools that help us acknowledge and release the old patterns.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Do I have repeating patterns of relationship struggles or issues?
  2. Do I have issues receiving money, or do I struggle to earn what I’m worth?
  3. Do I have some form of chronic pain or illness?
  4. Do I have chronic emotional issues (anxiety, anger, depression)?

If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, or you recognize patterns from the lists of examples above, then you would benefit from exploring some tools to help you break free of these old, stuck patterns.

Watch the short video to see if you have some healing to do!

Watch the short video on this link, which takes you through a simple exercise that will help you immediately know if you need some healing around Mommy &/or Daddy Issues.


Other Ways I can help you

  1. If this resonates with you and you are ready to move through all of this, I would love to help you! I'll teach you my best tools in my next online workshop series, Mastering Your Mindset - Introductory Workshop Series.
  2. If you are ready to start re-wiring your energy so your mind & heart are calibrated to your truth, then check out my online course, Calibrations for Self-Healing. This course includes the mini-course, How to Follow Your Inner Guidance System, as a bonus.
  3. If you need to gather some more information on "the basics" of how you can use your mind to heal your body, your emotional stress & your relationships, click here to check out my selection of Free and Low-Cost Mini-Courses.
  4. You can also set up a $30, 30-minute chat with me to discover your #1 Roadblock to Well-Being and options that would be a good fit for you. Click here to schedule.

Many Blessings,

Dr JoAnn Tully, Mind-Body Doctor & Mindset Coach

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