Fear of Love can make you Sick!

Love can be so conflicting, so confusing.

We want love, but we are also afraid of it.

We know we need love, but we also push it away.

We know love will help calm us, but we reject it.

We know love is powerful, but society teaches us that it will make us weak.

We are told by our parents that they love us (at least most parents tell us this).

But most parents are also tired, cranky & stressed out. They don’t even love themselves. Their Love Tanks are empty. How can they possibly express love to us? Sometimes all they have left in them is to tell us they love us, while their stressed out behaviors tell us a different story.

Kids pay more attention to actions than words. Words can deceive. Words can confuse.

When kids begin to associate “love” with hurt feelings, being ignored, walking on eggshells, yelling, being abused, etc., then “love” can feel very unsafe.

Fast forward to adulthood. We never learned how to process our emotions. We never learned how to soothe ourselves in an uplifting way, we never learned how to fill up our own Love Tanks. We never learned how powerful love can be.

Without these skills, we can easily become a hot mess.

We try to get other people to “love” us, or even like us, by being the good girl or by over-caring for the other person. We lose ourselves in relationships. We’ve spent so many years trying to be someone we are not. And we don’t like this person we have become. We might even hate ourselves. We feel drained, exhausted, depleted, angry, bitter, and resentful.

When we become so stressed out by our unprocessed emotions, and so physically drained, then our bodies naturally begin to reflect this. We experience more aches & pains. We experience more chronic illness.

If we grew up in certain religions, maybe Christianity, we might have been told to fear God. We might have been told that we were born sinners. We might have been told that we have to be good or God will punish us…cuz He killed His son, so why wouldn’t He kill us too?

Or maybe we prayed to God and asked Him to help heal us. And it seemed like He ignored our pleas for help. So now we write Him off. We are not only afraid of God, we are angry with Him too.

Is it any wonder most of us are so effed up?

Is it any wonder that we experience so much emotional turmoil, aches & pains, and chronic illness?

If you want to heal yourself, whether you have physical symptoms or emotions to heal, you MUST learn some of the following new skills:

  • You MUST learn how to fill up your own Love Tank. Don’t expect someone else to always be in a good enough place to do this for you. Learn to do it for yourself, then you can help others. Click here to listen to my YouTube video, How to Connect with Love & Soothe Yourself.
  • You MUST learn how to process your emotions in a healthy way. Stuffing, ignoring, dismissing &/or denying your emotional stress only creates MORE emotional stress, which then leads to more physical symptoms & breakdowns in relationships. Unprocessed emotions only hurt YOU. I teach you exactly HOW to do this in my online course, Mastering Your Mindset -- Introductory Workshop Series.
  • You MUST learn how to follow your own Inner Guidance System. You’ve already tried listening to other people’s opinions of what you should do with your life, and it only left you confused, angry or afraid. It never felt right. I teach you exactly HOW to do this in my mini-course, How to Follow Your Inner Guidance System. Click here to find this mini-course.
  • You MUST learn to heal your relationship with Love. We are made from Love. We are Love. Fear or anger towards Love only weakens you. It’s time to step back into your power.

Let me know if you need help on your journey!

Ways I can help you

  1. If this resonates with you and you are ready to move through all of this, I would love to help you! I'll teach you my best tools in my next online workshop series, Mastering Your Mindset - Introductory Workshop Series.
  2. If you are ready to start re-wiring your energy so your mind & heart are calibrated to your truth, then check out my online course, Calibrations for Self-Healing. This course includes the mini-course, How to Follow Your Inner Guidance System, as a bonus.
  3. If you need to gather some more information on "the basics" of how you can use your mind to heal your body, your emotional stress & your relationships, click here to check out my selection of Free and Low-Cost Mini-Courses.
  4. You can also set up a $30, 30-minute chat with me to discover your #1 Roadblock to Well-Being and options that would be a good fit for you. Click here to schedule.

Many Blessings,

Dr JoAnn Tully, Mind-Body Doctor & Mindset Coach

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