A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Would Self-Healing Calibrations Help Me?

Have you been trying ALL the things to heal your physical symptoms, your emotional stress, maybe even your relationships…and yet nothing is really helping long-term?

Do you feel like your head & heart are in a constant battle? Maybe it’s a subtle disagreement, maybe it’s a big fight.

Our heart knows what is best for us.

When we connect, through our hearts, with our own Inner Guidance, we receive OUR BEST ANSWERS. Connecting with our Inner Guidance on a regular basis feels amazing! We feel more confident, safe, secure, joyful, energetic…AND we come into this state of equilibrium where we experience Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence and more satisfying relationships.

We are all born with an Inner Guidance System. But our society, families, friends, bosses, educational system, advertising, etc., trains us AWAY from following our own Inner Guidance System.

Instead, we are taught what society thinks we SHOULD do. We learn that it’s more important to...

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It's Decision Time!

Did you know that simply making a decision is a powerful mindset tool?

Law of Attraction teaches that thoughts are the most powerful form of energy, and that beliefs are just thoughts that we continue to think…over and over and over, whether they are true or not.

Most of the time, we are thinking thoughts that are not true, or that don’t align with our Inner Beings. And we aren’t even aware that we are thinking these thoughts…they are hidden in our unconscious mind, or the area of our mind that we are currently unaware of. We won’t become aware of them until we start paying attention.

Here are some examples of thoughts that are not helpful that run our lives without our awareness of them:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I can’t do anything right
  • I’m not worthy
  • I’m all alone; no one will help me
  • Nothing ever works out for me
  • It will be too difficult
  • I can’t afford it
  • I’m always sick
  • I don’t have time for this
  • I have...
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Forgiveness that Heals

Forgiveness can be such a misunderstood topic.

Your ego convinces you to forgive in a way that makes you feel like the better person, but doesn’t allow you to forget the pain (or what the other person did to you). Thus, you continue to poison only yourself by holding on to the emotional pain. Nice job, ego! I felt better for about 2 seconds…

On the other hand, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) teaches you to forgive AS THOUGH THE EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. Big difference. This form of forgiveness isn’t meant to give a pass to the other person. It’s meant to free YOU! While you still hold onto the emotional pain, you continue to harm only yourself.

The ego’s version of forgiveness keeps you in “victim mode.” You continue to attract to yourself more things to feel victimized about.

ACIM’s version of forgiveness allows you to move on. It feels like freedom. It allows your body to heal. It allows you to see things differently. This is HUGE. This is...

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Are You Afraid of Change?

Change. What does this word symbolize for you? Fear, dread, annoyance, panic, irritation, maybe even a little motivation to control the situation so nothing really changes?

Yet change must occur if we are to grow, evolve, gain wisdom, and just feel alive.

Your ego, that fear-based portion of your self, wants to block change at all costs. Your ego convinces you that change is scary. Your ego makes you believe that you are safer if everything remains the same.

Yet your true inner Self wants and needs change in order to grow, evolve and feel alive. Your true inner Self craves new and different experiences. Your true inner Self guides you energetically towards your wants and desires (better health, harmonious relationships, meeting new friends, new career, more money, peace, joy, fun).

We learn from other people (and their egos) how to control our surroundings so that we don’t allow change. You want to be healthier…nope, it’s too scary. You want a new career…...

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What can you do when all else fails?

Winston Churchill once said, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing…after they have tried everything else.”

This reminds me of what we are taught about health, disease, and our bodies in general. From a young age, most of us learn to “take something” if we are not feeling good. Taking something might include some type of herb, supplement, over-the-counter remedy, prescribed medicine, or other type of drug (legal or otherwise).

We are taught that our health depends on something “outside” of us, as if we couldn’t be healthy otherwise.

In medical school, future doctors are trained that prescribed medicine is what the body needs when it is in a state of illness or disease.

In chiropractic school, future doctors are trained that a chiropractic adjustment and good nutrition are what the body needs when it is in a state of illness or disease.

And while all of these things can help us feel better, the benefits are...

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Pain and Illness: Cause and Effect

Have you ever been in pain, or been sick with an illness or disease, and searched for the cause?

  • Why or how did you get sick?
  • Do you have a chemical imbalance or a nutritional deficiency?
  • Are your hormones out of balance?
  • What caused your pain?
  • How did you get this illness or disease?
  • Did you “catch” it from someone you were around?
  • Were you exposed to toxic chemicals?
  • Did you eat certain foods that made you sick?
  • Did a product or medicine make you sick?
  • Did a certain treatment make you worse?
  • Were you exposed to a certain pathogen (yeast, virus, bacteria, parasite) that made you sick?

Most people who are in pain or sick will seek medical advice to learn the cause of their pain or illness.

In the medical world, doctors are taught to run series of tests to give you this information. Sometimes it can take years to figure out the “cause.” The more searching that is done, the more the search costs in terms of time, money, and your health.

And while I believe...

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Is it Possible to Trust Again?

Trust is one of those topics that can bring up a lot of fear and anger within us. Rarely is someone calm and peaceful when they think of trust, because we tend to think about all of the ways our trust has been trampled upon.

  • I’ve been cheated on by my significant other.
  • The therapy my doctor recommended made me feel worse.
  • My caretaker stole money from me.
  • My co-worker stole my ideas.
  • My child lies to me.
  • My parent didn’t protect me.
  • My close friend broke a promise.

One online definition of trust is this: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

So “Who” or “What” is this someone or something that we placed our trust in, only to be hurt and disappointed by? The list can be quite long:

  • Love interest/Significant other
  • Close friend
  • Confidante
  • Boss
  • Co-worker
  • Neighbor
  • Caretaker
  • Parent
  • Child
  • Other relative
  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Celebrity
  • President
  • Government
  • Business
  • Product
  • Religion
  • God

Why we want to...

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Me and Mon Paris -- My Story of Healing from Chemical Sensitivities

I used to have a lot of sensitivities.

Food sensitivities, chemical sensitivities, odor sensitivities, and even people sensitivities (lol). The term in the modern world is Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.

It seemed that everything bothered me, made me feel icky, or gave me a headache. And my list of bothersome things kept growing longer. More and more things in my environment were irritating me. I thought that it wouldn’t be long before I would need to retreat to my own little shack or safe haven in the woods in order to “protect” myself from the outside world.

Does this sound like you?

I stayed away from certain stores and malls because the air freshener they used gave me an instant headache.

I yelled at my husband every time he used air freshener in his car.

We couldn’t use any chemicals in our house or in our yard.

I restricted my family’s diet by only purchasing certain “safe” foods.

I wouldn’t allow over-the-counter medications in...

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Negative Nellie needs to go!

Negative Nellie isn’t much fun to be around. She’s that voice in your head that just won’t shut up. She’s mean. She’s cruel. She’s judgmental. And she is LOUD! It’s like she is shouting at you all the time.

So what’s going on with this? Who or what is Negative Nellie? How can you give her less airtime? How can you make her go away?

Negative Nellie is basically our ego. Within our mind, we think thoughts. And thoughts are said to be the most powerful form of energy. Thoughts that we keep thinking over and over again become our beliefs. And we make our beliefs true just by continuing to think about them over and over again.

Let me give you some examples.

Here are some of my thoughts --> that are now my beliefs --> that are now my truth:

  • I don’t get sick
  • My body knows how to heal itself
  • I am good enough
  • I matter
  • My body will produce symptoms to let me know when my thoughts are “off” so I can reverse or...
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Lyme Disease Treatments – Been There, Done That, Got the T-Shirt


As many of you know, I healed myself from Lyme Disease a few years ago, and I’m really passionate about helping others do the same. Each week I get questions from all over the world about different Lyme treatment options, so today’s blog is all about my experience and opinions.

I’ll go over different treatment options in the order that I tried them, and at the end I’ll give you a summary of what I wished I had known right from the start.

My journey began with joint pain, headaches, severe adrenal fatigue, gallbladder attacks, hormonal imbalances & chronic MRSA infections. At the same time, I was under a lot of emotional stress, was angry all the time & basically needed to learn to chill out!

Adrenal Fatigue, Hormonal Imbalances, Gallbladder Attacks

For adrenal fatigue & hormonal imbalances, I began taking HUGE amounts of supplements and a natural progesterone cream. What I learned along the way is that our bodies can’t make certain hormones...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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