A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Fear of Love can make you Sick!

Love can be so conflicting, so confusing.

We want love, but we are also afraid of it.

We know we need love, but we also push it away.

We know love will help calm us, but we reject it.

We know love is powerful, but society teaches us that it will make us weak.

We are told by our parents that they love us (at least most parents tell us this).

But most parents are also tired, cranky & stressed out. They don’t even love themselves. Their Love Tanks are empty. How can they possibly express love to us? Sometimes all they have left in them is to tell us they love us, while their stressed out behaviors tell us a different story.

Kids pay more attention to actions than words. Words can deceive. Words can confuse.

When kids begin to associate “love” with hurt feelings, being ignored, walking on eggshells, yelling, being abused, etc., then “love” can feel very unsafe.

Fast forward to adulthood. We never learned how to process our emotions. We never learned how...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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