A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Healing Mommy & Daddy Issues

For years I thought I only had Daddy Issues to heal in myself.

And then I came across the book, Mother Hunger, by Kelly McDaniel, that gave me the verbiage and understanding about my Mommy Issues that needed some attention.

What are Mommy & Daddy Issues?

Mommy & Daddy Issues are old patterns of beliefs or old emotional energies that have become stuck somewhere in our bodies or our energetic fields.

These old patterns try to get our attention through current-day problems, such as relationship struggles, money issues, chronic pain, illness, anxiety or anger.

Examples of Daddy Issues

  • Patterns of choosing unhealthy or abusive or emotionally unavailable partners
  • Use sex to feel love or connection
  • Difficulty setting healthy boundaries
  • Date or marry someone much older than yourself
  • Trust issues
  • Afraid of being alone
  • Possessive or clingy; co-dependent relationships
  • Afraid of being vulnerable
  • Don’t feel safe

Examples of Mommy Issues

  • More male friends; few female friends;...
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Are Anxiety & Depression Simply Diseases That Need To Be Medicated?

Lately I’ve seen a lot of social media posts that declare, “Anxiety and Depression are Diseases!”


If that’s true, then what are your options?

If you experience anxiety and/or depression, does this mean that you can’t help yourself? Does it mean that you will need to be on medication…maybe for the rest of your life? Does it mean you are a victim? Does it mean that there’s nothing else you can do, so why even bother trying?

Does using the label “Disease” help you feel Empowered or Powerless? There’s a big difference.

Feeling Empowered gives you strength and resilience. You feel like to can do something. You have options. Your body makes healing chemistry when you feel empowered.

Feeling Powerless leaves you stuck. You can’t see your way out. Nothing works. Why bother trying. Your body makes harmful chemistry when you feel powerless.

If labeling your anxiety or depression as a “disease” leaves you...

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If you’re angry and you know it…clap your hands!

Congratulations! You have taken the 1st step towards recovery!

Anger is in the air! Did you know that in Chinese medicine, anger is the emotion that is linked with the season of Spring, the color of green, and the liver organ? As temperatures rise, so can our buried emotions.

I’ve had several instances with clients and potential clients exhibiting anger recently, so I feel compelled to talk about this.

We all have childhood wounds, fears that don’t make any sense, and silly beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do anything right” or the ever-popular “I’m unworthy.” Most of us grew up in households where the adults around us taught us these things – without really “teaching” us. And they sure didn’t want to teach us this junk…it just happened. They showed us these things through their behavior. We picked these behaviors up, long before we were able to question them, and...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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