A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Healing Mommy & Daddy Issues

For years I thought I only had Daddy Issues to heal in myself.

And then I came across the book, Mother Hunger, by Kelly McDaniel, that gave me the verbiage and understanding about my Mommy Issues that needed some attention.

What are Mommy & Daddy Issues?

Mommy & Daddy Issues are old patterns of beliefs or old emotional energies that have become stuck somewhere in our bodies or our energetic fields.

These old patterns try to get our attention through current-day problems, such as relationship struggles, money issues, chronic pain, illness, anxiety or anger.

Examples of Daddy Issues

  • Patterns of choosing unhealthy or abusive or emotionally unavailable partners
  • Use sex to feel love or connection
  • Difficulty setting healthy boundaries
  • Date or marry someone much older than yourself
  • Trust issues
  • Afraid of being alone
  • Possessive or clingy; co-dependent relationships
  • Afraid of being vulnerable
  • Don’t feel safe

Examples of Mommy Issues

  • More male friends; few female friends;...
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I’m Stepping into my Power! Will you join me?


I’m stepping into my Power. Will you join me?

I’ve had some really big “aha” moments in the past 2 weeks, and my 10 month-old puppy, Alpine, has been instrumental in my learning these important lessons.

Over the past 3 years, I have learned so much about myself. I’ve been transitioning my business from chiropractic care to Lyme Disease recovery and now my focus is coaching women on how to clean up their mindset so they can learn to heal themselves.

I had to sift through years of built up anger and resentment, hurt feelings, guilt of epic proportions, and just a feeling of being really ticked off at men…Ok, my dad. I never wanted to share the really ugly stuff with you, but stepping into my power is also about me being authentic. If I can muster up the strength to really be myself, and share my most vulnerable lessons with you without this becoming a contest of who has suffered the most, then hopefully you can find your inner strength and...

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Is Meditation a Bunch of Non-Sense?

Is Meditation a Bunch of Non-Sense? Yep! Let me explain…

The Spirit knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the ego.

I get asked all the time about meditation. What is it? Why should I do it? How do I get started? What are the benefits? And a really fun one:  My pastor told me that meditating is actually talking to the devil, is this true?

These are all great questions! So let’s get started!

Hi! I’m Dr JoAnn Tully, creator of Learn To Heal Yourself. I’m a chiropractor that now focuses on helping clients remove their blocks to health & happiness – the blocks that were created by their thoughts, emotions & beliefs.

[Click here if you would rather watch the video on YouTube!]

What is meditation?

Here is wikipedia’s definition:  Meditation is a practice where an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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