A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Healing Mommy & Daddy Issues

For years I thought I only had Daddy Issues to heal in myself.

And then I came across the book, Mother Hunger, by Kelly McDaniel, that gave me the verbiage and understanding about my Mommy Issues that needed some attention.

What are Mommy & Daddy Issues?

Mommy & Daddy Issues are old patterns of beliefs or old emotional energies that have become stuck somewhere in our bodies or our energetic fields.

These old patterns try to get our attention through current-day problems, such as relationship struggles, money issues, chronic pain, illness, anxiety or anger.

Examples of Daddy Issues

  • Patterns of choosing unhealthy or abusive or emotionally unavailable partners
  • Use sex to feel love or connection
  • Difficulty setting healthy boundaries
  • Date or marry someone much older than yourself
  • Trust issues
  • Afraid of being alone
  • Possessive or clingy; co-dependent relationships
  • Afraid of being vulnerable
  • Don’t feel safe

Examples of Mommy Issues

  • More male friends; few female friends;...
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Fear of Love can make you Sick!

Love can be so conflicting, so confusing.

We want love, but we are also afraid of it.

We know we need love, but we also push it away.

We know love will help calm us, but we reject it.

We know love is powerful, but society teaches us that it will make us weak.

We are told by our parents that they love us (at least most parents tell us this).

But most parents are also tired, cranky & stressed out. They don’t even love themselves. Their Love Tanks are empty. How can they possibly express love to us? Sometimes all they have left in them is to tell us they love us, while their stressed out behaviors tell us a different story.

Kids pay more attention to actions than words. Words can deceive. Words can confuse.

When kids begin to associate “love” with hurt feelings, being ignored, walking on eggshells, yelling, being abused, etc., then “love” can feel very unsafe.

Fast forward to adulthood. We never learned how to process our emotions. We never learned how...

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Would Self-Healing Calibrations Help Me?

Have you been trying ALL the things to heal your physical symptoms, your emotional stress, maybe even your relationships…and yet nothing is really helping long-term?

Do you feel like your head & heart are in a constant battle? Maybe it’s a subtle disagreement, maybe it’s a big fight.

Our heart knows what is best for us.

When we connect, through our hearts, with our own Inner Guidance, we receive OUR BEST ANSWERS. Connecting with our Inner Guidance on a regular basis feels amazing! We feel more confident, safe, secure, joyful, energetic…AND we come into this state of equilibrium where we experience Well-Being, Emotional Intelligence and more satisfying relationships.

We are all born with an Inner Guidance System. But our society, families, friends, bosses, educational system, advertising, etc., trains us AWAY from following our own Inner Guidance System.

Instead, we are taught what society thinks we SHOULD do. We learn that it’s more important to...

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The Fastest Way to Heal Your Body

[Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this Blog Post is not meant to be Medical Advice. Please see your Primary Healthcare Provider if you need Medical Advice or Assistance.]

Every week, I get asked from someone, “What should I do to heal my  _____?”

That “blank line” usually contains one of the following:

  • Insomnia, Fatigue, Brain Fog
  • Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings
  • Hormones, Hot Flashes
  • Lyme Disease or other Chronic Illness
  • Chronic Pain
  • Auto-Immune Disease
  • Cancer

Here’s my BEST advice for everyone: Ask your Inner Guidance System!

We ALL have a built-in resource that gives us our best answers for everything, and I call this our Inner Guidance System. It never fails us!

We usually ignore or override this system, and instead do what someone else tells us to do.

Going against our Inner Guidance System can leave us feeling exhausted, disappointed, angry with ourselves, anxious, and/or feeling dis-trustful of ourselves &...

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Do You Control Your Emotions or Do Your Emotions Control You?

Each of us deals with overwhelming emotions from time to time. For some of us, it can feel like we are on a constant roller coaster of emotions (anxiety, frustration, worry, irritation, resentment, jealousy, anger, fear).

But there is a big difference between shedding a few tears while watching a movie and avoiding certain situations and people because your emotions are controlling your life.

When emotions get out-of-control and we continue to stuff them or cover them up or ignore them, the energy from these emotions will eventually show up in our body as a physical symptom that you don’t like (headache, sore throat, fever, allergies, stomach ache, joint pain, high blood pressure, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, etc.).

And this is a tragedy worth crying about.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Overwhelming emotions (anxiety, depression, anger, frustration, etc.) are often a sign of fear-based thought patterns and belief systems that we put into place...

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How People-Pleasing Makes You Sick & Tired

Growing up as a young girl in the Midwest, I learned from the adults around me that girls/women had a list of unspoken “rules” that we were to do and not question:

  • Take care of everyone else; put their needs in front of your own.
  • Act in pleasing or conforming ways so that others would approve of and like you; follow the rules; be a good girl.
  • Feel and process your own emotions PLUS everyone else’s (esp. the men’s emotions).
  • Anticipate the needs of others; be 5-10 steps ahead of everyone else in order to make your own life easier.
  • Believe that men are in charge of women.
  • If you wanted to be loved & accepted by others, follow these rules.

Now, I didn’t have to buy into these unspoken teachings. But I did anyway. I thought this was just what we were supposed to do. This left me a prisoner to my own limiting thinking.

It didn’t dawn on me until I was much older that this was all BS. I had no idea that these patterns of belief were causing me to...

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Empath: When Your Sensitivity is a Super Power

Have you ever been told you are an Empath? Did this label help you…or box you in? Or a little of both?

Empaths are basically sensitive people.

  • Sensitive to their own emotions and energies.
  • Sensitive to OTHER people’s emotions and energies.
  • They can get their feelings hurt easily because they take everything personally.
  • They tend to overthink and over-analyze. Everything.
  • They tend to make mountains out of mole hills.
  • They can worry and obsess over small details.
  • They can be in constant fear of someone being mad at them.
  • They can be in constant fear of “catching” someone else’s bad mojo.
  • They can isolate themselves out of fear of being around other people and not being able to adequately “protect” themselves.

Does any of this sound like you?

This was how I lived my life…for decades. I would walk on eggshells around certain people. I learned from energy healers to put an “energetic boundary" or shield around me and my house to...

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It's Decision Time!

Did you know that simply making a decision is a powerful mindset tool?

Law of Attraction teaches that thoughts are the most powerful form of energy, and that beliefs are just thoughts that we continue to think…over and over and over, whether they are true or not.

Most of the time, we are thinking thoughts that are not true, or that don’t align with our Inner Beings. And we aren’t even aware that we are thinking these thoughts…they are hidden in our unconscious mind, or the area of our mind that we are currently unaware of. We won’t become aware of them until we start paying attention.

Here are some examples of thoughts that are not helpful that run our lives without our awareness of them:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I can’t do anything right
  • I’m not worthy
  • I’m all alone; no one will help me
  • Nothing ever works out for me
  • It will be too difficult
  • I can’t afford it
  • I’m always sick
  • I don’t have time for this
  • I have...
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Are Anxiety & Depression Simply Diseases That Need To Be Medicated?

Lately I’ve seen a lot of social media posts that declare, “Anxiety and Depression are Diseases!”


If that’s true, then what are your options?

If you experience anxiety and/or depression, does this mean that you can’t help yourself? Does it mean that you will need to be on medication…maybe for the rest of your life? Does it mean you are a victim? Does it mean that there’s nothing else you can do, so why even bother trying?

Does using the label “Disease” help you feel Empowered or Powerless? There’s a big difference.

Feeling Empowered gives you strength and resilience. You feel like to can do something. You have options. Your body makes healing chemistry when you feel empowered.

Feeling Powerless leaves you stuck. You can’t see your way out. Nothing works. Why bother trying. Your body makes harmful chemistry when you feel powerless.

If labeling your anxiety or depression as a “disease” leaves you...

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Forgiveness that Heals

Forgiveness can be such a misunderstood topic.

Your ego convinces you to forgive in a way that makes you feel like the better person, but doesn’t allow you to forget the pain (or what the other person did to you). Thus, you continue to poison only yourself by holding on to the emotional pain. Nice job, ego! I felt better for about 2 seconds…

On the other hand, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) teaches you to forgive AS THOUGH THE EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. Big difference. This form of forgiveness isn’t meant to give a pass to the other person. It’s meant to free YOU! While you still hold onto the emotional pain, you continue to harm only yourself.

The ego’s version of forgiveness keeps you in “victim mode.” You continue to attract to yourself more things to feel victimized about.

ACIM’s version of forgiveness allows you to move on. It feels like freedom. It allows your body to heal. It allows you to see things differently. This is HUGE. This is...

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