The Fastest Way to Heal Your Body

[Medical Disclaimer: The information contained in this Blog Post is not meant to be Medical Advice. Please see your Primary Healthcare Provider if you need Medical Advice or Assistance.]

Every week, I get asked from someone, “What should I do to heal my  _____?”

That “blank line” usually contains one of the following:

  • Insomnia, Fatigue, Brain Fog
  • Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings
  • Hormones, Hot Flashes
  • Lyme Disease or other Chronic Illness
  • Chronic Pain
  • Auto-Immune Disease
  • Cancer

Here’s my BEST advice for everyone: Ask your Inner Guidance System!

We ALL have a built-in resource that gives us our best answers for everything, and I call this our Inner Guidance System. It never fails us!

We usually ignore or override this system, and instead do what someone else tells us to do.

Going against our Inner Guidance System can leave us feeling exhausted, disappointed, angry with ourselves, anxious, and/or feeling dis-trustful of ourselves & others. More importantly, going against our Inner Guidance System can slow down our healing.

From a young age, our society teaches us to NOT trust our own inner instincts.

Instead, we are taught to do what other people tell us to do. We are taught to “fit in.” If we want others to like us & approve of us, we need to fit in. We need to conform. It’s not safe for us to think for ourselves.

Well, I’m here to tell you that’s a big load of crap. It’s time to stop following the masses. It’s time to get in touch with your own Inner Guidance System.

For those of us that have healed ourselves from what our doctors told us was “incurable,” we have a bold message for you: Your Inner Guidance System will give you your BEST Answers!

 Your Doctor or other Healthcare Practitioner can tell you what is wrong with you, but only YOU can decide what treatment option, supplement, medication, dietary change, detox plan, emotional healing or mindset work will be best for you.

Your Inner Guidance System KNOWS what will help you the most, and in the least amount of time. Your Inner Guidance System also knows what you are open to & what won’t work well for you.

Your Inner Guidance System will save you time & money on your journey. It’s well worth YOUR investment to learn how to access this treasure trove of information!

Listening to other people’s stories of healing gives us valuable information on what might help us heal.

Anita Moorjani, in her book, Dying to be Me, needed to replace her fear of dying & fear of cancer with love. Her story is full of hope AND her miraculous healing from Stage 4 Lymphoma was medically documented!

I healed myself from chronic Lyme Disease, chronic gallbladder attacks, chronic MRSA infections, hormonal imbalances, hot flashes, back pain, and some other fun stuff by following my Inner Guidance. For me personally, most of my healing happened very quickly after I was guided on forgiving myself & others.

Do you need some help getting acquainted with your Inner Guidance System? If so, I have 2 options for you:

  1. My mini-course, How to Follow Your Inner Guidance System, for $25:
  2. Schedule a 60-minute session with me, Inner Guidance Clarity Session, for $250, where together we will go through a list of options so you can determine what your next best step is using your Inner Guidance System. Gain clarity & feel empowered when you learn what your best answers feel like! This option includes the mini-course, How to Follow Your Inner Guidance System, for you to review later.


Many Blessings,

Dr JoAnn Tully, Mind-Body Doctor & Mindset Coach

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