A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



Pain and Illness: Cause and Effect

Have you ever been in pain, or been sick with an illness or disease, and searched for the cause?

  • Why or how did you get sick?
  • Do you have a chemical imbalance or a nutritional deficiency?
  • Are your hormones out of balance?
  • What caused your pain?
  • How did you get this illness or disease?
  • Did you “catch” it from someone you were around?
  • Were you exposed to toxic chemicals?
  • Did you eat certain foods that made you sick?
  • Did a product or medicine make you sick?
  • Did a certain treatment make you worse?
  • Were you exposed to a certain pathogen (yeast, virus, bacteria, parasite) that made you sick?

Most people who are in pain or sick will seek medical advice to learn the cause of their pain or illness.

In the medical world, doctors are taught to run series of tests to give you this information. Sometimes it can take years to figure out the “cause.” The more searching that is done, the more the search costs in terms of time, money, and your health.

And while I believe...

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Is it Possible to Trust Again?

Trust is one of those topics that can bring up a lot of fear and anger within us. Rarely is someone calm and peaceful when they think of trust, because we tend to think about all of the ways our trust has been trampled upon.

  • I’ve been cheated on by my significant other.
  • The therapy my doctor recommended made me feel worse.
  • My caretaker stole money from me.
  • My co-worker stole my ideas.
  • My child lies to me.
  • My parent didn’t protect me.
  • My close friend broke a promise.

One online definition of trust is this: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

So “Who” or “What” is this someone or something that we placed our trust in, only to be hurt and disappointed by? The list can be quite long:

  • Love interest/Significant other
  • Close friend
  • Confidante
  • Boss
  • Co-worker
  • Neighbor
  • Caretaker
  • Parent
  • Child
  • Other relative
  • Doctor
  • Teacher
  • Celebrity
  • President
  • Government
  • Business
  • Product
  • Religion
  • God

Why we want to...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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