A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



It's Decision Time!

Did you know that simply making a decision is a powerful mindset tool?

Law of Attraction teaches that thoughts are the most powerful form of energy, and that beliefs are just thoughts that we continue to think…over and over and over, whether they are true or not.

Most of the time, we are thinking thoughts that are not true, or that don’t align with our Inner Beings. And we aren’t even aware that we are thinking these thoughts…they are hidden in our unconscious mind, or the area of our mind that we are currently unaware of. We won’t become aware of them until we start paying attention.

Here are some examples of thoughts that are not helpful that run our lives without our awareness of them:

  • I’m not good enough
  • I can’t do anything right
  • I’m not worthy
  • I’m all alone; no one will help me
  • Nothing ever works out for me
  • It will be too difficult
  • I can’t afford it
  • I’m always sick
  • I don’t have time for this
  • I have...
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Forgiveness that Heals

Forgiveness can be such a misunderstood topic.

Your ego convinces you to forgive in a way that makes you feel like the better person, but doesn’t allow you to forget the pain (or what the other person did to you). Thus, you continue to poison only yourself by holding on to the emotional pain. Nice job, ego! I felt better for about 2 seconds…

On the other hand, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) teaches you to forgive AS THOUGH THE EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. Big difference. This form of forgiveness isn’t meant to give a pass to the other person. It’s meant to free YOU! While you still hold onto the emotional pain, you continue to harm only yourself.

The ego’s version of forgiveness keeps you in “victim mode.” You continue to attract to yourself more things to feel victimized about.

ACIM’s version of forgiveness allows you to move on. It feels like freedom. It allows your body to heal. It allows you to see things differently. This is HUGE. This is...

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If you’re angry and you know it…clap your hands!

Congratulations! You have taken the 1st step towards recovery!

Anger is in the air! Did you know that in Chinese medicine, anger is the emotion that is linked with the season of Spring, the color of green, and the liver organ? As temperatures rise, so can our buried emotions.

I’ve had several instances with clients and potential clients exhibiting anger recently, so I feel compelled to talk about this.

We all have childhood wounds, fears that don’t make any sense, and silly beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do anything right” or the ever-popular “I’m unworthy.” Most of us grew up in households where the adults around us taught us these things – without really “teaching” us. And they sure didn’t want to teach us this junk…it just happened. They showed us these things through their behavior. We picked these behaviors up, long before we were able to question them, and...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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