Forgiveness that Heals

Forgiveness can be such a misunderstood topic.

Your ego convinces you to forgive in a way that makes you feel like the better person, but doesn’t allow you to forget the pain (or what the other person did to you). Thus, you continue to poison only yourself by holding on to the emotional pain. Nice job, ego! I felt better for about 2 seconds…

On the other hand, A Course In Miracles (ACIM) teaches you to forgive AS THOUGH THE EVENT NEVER HAPPENED. Big difference. This form of forgiveness isn’t meant to give a pass to the other person. It’s meant to free YOU! While you still hold onto the emotional pain, you continue to harm only yourself.

The ego’s version of forgiveness keeps you in “victim mode.” You continue to attract to yourself more things to feel victimized about.

ACIM’s version of forgiveness allows you to move on. It feels like freedom. It allows your body to heal. It allows you to see things differently. This is HUGE. This is your goal. This changes the energy of what you attract back to yourself. This softens and smooths everything out in your life.

When I was first doing this mindset work for myself, I wasn’t about to let go of my bitter, resentful thoughts about certain people. You see, I thought I WAS RIGHT and THEY WERE WRONG. While I continued to believe that I was RIGHT, nothing really changed.

And then I learned more about my ego from the ACIM Workbook Lessons. I learned that my ego is the made-up version of myself. I learned that my ego is all fear and drama. My ego demands to be RIGHT…at all costs.

I learned that my true inner Self is all about love, peace and happiness. I learned that we are all really ONE, we are all connected. I learned that how I perceive another is also how I perceive myself.

I learned that as children we learn all about fear and ego stuff through the adults around us, who grew up learning the same things from the adults around them. Then we just keep passing down the same old ego wounds from generation to generation.

This had my attention. It allowed me to soften my hard stance. It allowed me to begin to connect with my true inner Self. From there, I could then connect with the true inner Self of those I needed to forgive. I could see and sense their old childhood wounds, and how that guided their actions.

That’s when I could start letting the old emotional wounds go. I could see that these people whom I had been judging harshly had the same basic childhood wounds (or ego stuff) as I had. I could give them some grace.

And then I began sensing that I also needed to forgive myself. This took me by surprise. I started making connections with Cause & Effect. I began to see and understand clearly that my thoughts (Cause) had a ripple effect. For every untrue (ego) thought I had about myself, I projected that ego thought onto others around me and they in turn reflected that same energy back to me.

If I had an “attack” thought, then someone would mirror this same “attack” energy back to me. While I was unaware of what was really going on, I was actually being shown what my original thoughts were just by how other people were treating me.

Oops! My bad.

These realizations slowly helped me to forgive others and myself easier and easier.

Freedom, peace, happiness and return to health were mine again once I learned how to really forgive.

This can be YOUR experience as well! Let me know if you need some guidance.

Ways I can help you

  1. If this resonates with you and you are ready to move through all of this, I would love to help you! I'll teach you my best tools in my next online workshop series, Mastering Your Mindset - Introductory Workshop Series.
  2. If you need to gather some more information on "the basics" of how you can use your mind to heal your body, your emotional stress & your relationships, click here to check out my selection of Free and Low-Cost Mini-Courses.
  3. You can also set up a $30, 30-minute chat with me to discover your #1 Roadblock to Well-Being and options that would be a good fit for you. Click here to schedule.

Many Blessings,

Dr JoAnn Tully, Mind-Body Doctor & Mindset Coach

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