A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind



The Road to Wellness [#Backwards...It's not what you think!]

The Road to Wellness is completely backwards from what I used to think it was. Yep, #Backwards.

 Here’s a fun list of what I USED to believe about health:

  • You have to eat healthy to be healthy
  • You have to exercise to be healthy
  • Taking prescribed medication is BAD
  • Using chemicals on your lawn is BAD
  • Using chemicals in your house will KILL you
  • Getting vaccinations will HARM you
  • Using plastic will HARM you

I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture. I USED to be AGAINST a lot of things, and I took every precaution to avoid everything “bad,” while eating as healthy as I could and exercising regularly.

And then I got sick anyway. WTH???

Now, don’t get me wrong, I did the best I could at the time. And I especially believe that eating healthy and exercising regularly helped me feel better most of the time. But when my emotional stress got the best of me, none of the other “healthy” things worked.

On my road to wellness, I’ve had...

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How to Reduce or Eliminate Pain (without products) — Try these 3 things

  1. Get the message and move on

  2. Ignore/Distract (soften)

  3. Pivot and move towards a better feeling

Pain is a big industry. A lot of time and money gets dumped into searching for answers to or merely managing pain. At some point in our lives we all experience pain. We are taught to deal with pain in various ways: walk it off, take a product to help it go away, numb ourselves with food/alcohol/drugs.

But what if your pain was simply a message? And what happens when you ignore messages? They tend to get bigger, more obnoxious, more in-your-face. The more you ignore something important, the greater the chance that it snowballs out-of-control. This message is trying to get your attention. It won’t stop until you finally get the message that something is out-of-balance, something needs to change in your life.

As a mind-body doctor, I’ve had to personally confront my own messages. At first I ignored the messages, thinking they were going to be too scary. We all do this. It’s...

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A Healthy Body Begins With A Healthy Mind

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